Look What I Found at the Library!


Yesterday, I paid a visit to the main branch of the Cincinnati Public Library. As most people are when they go to the library, I was on a mission to find a couple of books. New arrivals, specifically. After paying $10 for parking (then promptly discovering there was a $2 garage on the opposite side of the building), I made my way into the Popular Library area.

Lo and behold, what did I find sitting on the shelves in the fantasy section?


Do you see it too, lurking there among the “S” authors?


How about now?


Yes! There it is! Reflection: The Stranger in the Mirror has been added to the library’s catalog. ^_^

But it looks so lonely all by itself. Where’s its companion, Harbinger?


Let’s take a trip to the New Arrivals! Somewhere around here, perhaps?


Take a closer look…


And there it is! But why are they shelved in different places? As it turns out, the library added two copies of each book (one set in each section), but one copy of each has already been checked out! Don’t worry though. If you want to check out the remaining copies for yourself, now you know exactly where to look! ^_-


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