Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Now seems to be the time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the coming one. Maybe its because I’m caught up in the middle of working on Dragon’s Bane, but I’m just not feeling it this year. So my official plan is to just steamroll right into 2017 without pause.

This is in part encouraged by a surprise Christmas gift from Hubby–a new desk and workstation that are perfectly suited for my writing needs. I use the term “new desk,” but really that’s something of a misnomer since the writing location it replaced is better described as “on my laptop on the couch in the living room.” Oddly, I work best with a copious amount of noise in the background (this happens after working for years in an office above a machine shop, among other things), so while working in the living room was not problematic, it was not exactly ideal either.


Now I have a real place to write (throws confetti), complete with an extra-wide monitor (which will be super helpful come editing and formatting time!), a proper keyboard (with customizable rainbow-colored back-lighting and keys that make a satisfying click with every letter typed), and a matching light up mouse pad. ❤ A perfect functional and aesthetic fit! The only place where we have room for the desk is in the (unfinished) basement, but I’ve put down a small area rug (for Sumo’s comfort, of course!) to cover the bare concrete and hung some inexpensive curtains to make my own cozy little nook. So come on 2017, we’ve got books to write. It’s time to finish the first story arc and kick off the second!

As for book-related news: look for another free promo day for Book 1 on January 9/10 and upcoming Goodreads giveaways for paperback copies of Books 1, 2, and 3 starting January 15! I’ll post reminders when the dates get closer. In the meantime, be sure to check out my Instagram feed for daily posts with book reviews/recommendations!


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